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Contamination en dinophysistoxines des moules de Bretagne sud Mise en évidence des dérivés acyls-esters de l'acide okadaïque (DTX-3) Etude comparative : analyses chimiques, tests biologiques et concentrations cellulaires de Dinophysis ArchiMer
Amzil, Zouher; Mathias, Amaury.
Ifremer monitoring network for phytoplankton and phycotoxins (REPHY) is in charge of shellfish safety control and carries out shellfish toxicity test on mice as soon as Dinophysis cells (okadaic acid "OA" producer) are observed in sea water. However, this test can neither identify or quantify the diarrhetic toxins OA and its analogues (DTX-1, DTX-3). Only a chemical analysis is able to detect them. At first, the shellfish extraction procedure used for mouse-tests was optimised in order to adjust it for OA/DTX-1 chemical analysis. Due to the Iack of standard, DTX-3 quantification is clone indirectly after a hydrolysis stage releasing OA. Chemical analysis of shellfish samples collected in 2001 from three locations of "Long-line Mussel Farming" of southern...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acide okadaïque (AO); 7-0-acyl-AO (DTX-3); Moule; Dinophysis; Analyse chimique.; Okadaic acid (OA); 7-0-acyl-OA (DTX-3); Musset; Dinophysis; Chemical analysis..
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The effects of growth phase and light intensity on toxin production by Dinophysis acuminata from the northeastern United States ArchiMer
Tong, Mengmeng; Kulis, David M.; Fux, Elie; Smith, Juliette L.; Hess, Philipp; Zhou, Qixing; Anderson, Donald M..
For many years, the study of toxic Dinophysis species was primarily restricted to field populations until it was recently demonstrated that some of these organisms can be mixotrophically cultured in the laboratory with the ciliate prey, Myrionecta rubra. which had previously been fed with cryptophytes of the genus Teleaulax and Geminigera. Here we investigated the influence of growth phase and light intensity on the production of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins and pectenotoxins (PTXs) in cultures of Dinophysis acuminata from the northeastern United States. The cell toxin content of okadaic acid (OA), dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1), pectenotoxin-2 (PTX2), and the okadaic acid diol ester (OA-D8) varied significantly with growth phase under all light...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP); Dinophysis acuminata; Dinophysistoxin (DTX); Growth phase; Light; Okadaic acid (OA); Pectenotoxins (PTXs).
Ano: 2011 URL:
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